Zenica jug-Tarčin (81 km)
Stanje prohodnosti: saobraćaj se odvija po mjestimično vlažnom kolovozu.
Zvirovići-Bijača (10 km)
Stanje prohodnosti: saobraćaj se odvija po suhom kolovozu.
Zenica jug-Tarčin (81 km)
Stanje prohodnosti: saobraćaj se odvija po mjestimično vlažnom kolovozu.
Zvirovići-Bijača (10 km)
Stanje prohodnosti: saobraćaj se odvija po suhom kolovozu.
Zenica jug-Tarčin (81 km)
Stanje prohodnosti: saobraćaj se odvija po mjestimično vlažnom kolovozu.
Zvirovići-Bijača (10 km)
Stanje prohodnosti: saobraćaj se odvija po suhom kolovozu.
Radovi na izgradnji autoceste na poddionici Tarčin – Ivan, LOT2, tunel Ivan, teku planiranom dinamikom. Trenutno se na gradilištu izvode radovi iskopa i izrade primarne tunelske podloge obe tunelske cijevi sa južne (izlazne) strane tunela, kao i lijeve tunelske cijevi sa sjeverne (ulazne strane) tunela. Osim aktivnosti na izgradnji samog tunela Ivan, trenutno se provode i radovi na izgradnji mosta Bradina, regulaciji potoka Jeha u Bradini kao i radovi na propustu i regulaciji potoka Sirovica (sjeverna strana tunela) u Vukovićima.
U narednom periodu planira se započeti sa radovima otvaranja desne tunelske cijevi sa sjeverne strane, betonskim radovima u tunelu (temelj i invert) kao i sa zemljanim radovima, iskop i pripremni radovi na glavnoj trasi autoceste.
Na gradilištu tunela Ivan, kao i na ostalim gradilištima na izgradnji Koridora Vc, za vrijeme pandemije koronavirusa radovi su se odvijali neometano, uz poštivanje svih mjera izdatih od mjerodavnih institucija.
Tunel Ivan je dvocijevni tunel sa po dvije trake i proći će kroz planinski prijelaz Ivan Sedlo. Ukupna dužina desne tunelske cijevi, uključujući portalnu strukturu, iznosi 1721,50 m, dok lijeva tunelska cijev iznosi 1761,50 m i bit će pozicionirane ispod postojećeg tunela Ivan na magistralnoj cesti M-17. Nadmorska visina na ovoj lokaciji je u rasponu od 500 do 1020 m, a maksimalna visina nadsloja iznad tunelske konstrukcije iznosi oko 200 m. Tunel je projektiran da se izvodi po Novoj Austrijskoj Tunelskoj Metodi (NATM).
Izvođač radova na tunelu Ivan je Euro-asfalt d.o.o. Sarajevo, a predviđeni rok izgradnje je 30 mjeseci.
Vrijednost Ugovora za izgradnju tunela Ivan je 57.628.570,37 eura bez PDV-a, a sredstva su osigurana putem Europske banke za obnovu i razvoj (EBRD) u visini od 50 milijuna eura i bespovratnim sredstvima Europske unije u visini od 11,4 milijuna eura koja su osigurana u okviru Agende za povezivanje preko Investicijskog okvira za Zapadni Balkan (WBIF).
U narednom periodu bit će potpisan ugovor i počet će se sa izgradnjom dionice Tarčin – ulaz u tunel Ivan, ukupne dužine 4,9 kilometara.
Press JP Autoceste FBiH
Zenica jug-Tarčin (81 km)
Stanje prohodnosti: saobraćaj se odvija po mokrom kolovozu.
Zvirovići-Bijača (10 km)
Stanje prohodnosti: saobraćaj se odvija po suhom kolovozu.
Zenica jug-Tarčin (81 km)
Stanje prohodnosti: saobraćaj se odvija po suhom kolovozu.
Zvirovići-Bijača (10 km)
Stanje prohodnosti: saobraćaj se odvija po suhom kolovozu.
We use this opportunity to inform you that the Public Company Motorways of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Ltd Mostar (JP AC) has re-started with the preparatory activities for the initiation of the procurement procedure for the construction of Corridor Vc motorway section Ovčari – Tunnel Prenj – Mostar North and section Mostar North-Mostar South.
Indeed, as it is known, General Procurement Notice (GPN) for the sections Ovčari – Tunnel Prenj – Mostar North (https://ecepp.ebrd.com/delta/viewNotice.html?displayNoticeId=10234018 ) and Mostar North-Mostar South (https://ecepp.ebrd.com/delta/viewNotice.html?displayNoticeId=10668189 ) have been published on the EBRD ECEPP web site on 7th February 2020. As per the same, roadshow events were scheduled in March 2020, but unfortunately due to the COVID-19 outbreak have been cancelled.
Considering that situation in the world is normalizing, we are very glad to inform you that the roadshow event for both projects will be held on 19th June 2020. Attendance at the roadshow event is envisaged for Consultancy firms with relevant and substantial experience in motorway consultancy projects.
Respecting that there are still restrictions that public sessions are not recommended because of a significant risk of contamination, please be informed that electronic means of videoconference to proceed with virtual roadshow session shall be used. Virtual roadshow shall be conducted using Zoom application (available for free download on following link https://zoom.us/download).
Please note that all consultancy firms who have already registered their attendance and submitted registration form are required just to confirm their attendance. All other consultancy firms who wish to attend the roadshow, for the purpose of registration, are required to fill the form available at the link:
and are invited to provide their company profiles and brochures.
Please note that all consultancy firms, which confirm their attendance or register their attendance will be provided with the link for access in timely manner.
Attached to this e-mail, we are providing you with the agenda for the event. Considering that discussion on project requirements (technical requirements, available information and its reliability, assumption on project/contract risks, project timing, budget etc.) is scheduled, in order to facilitate and prepare for the same, we kindly ask you to share with us your answers and opinions on the list of questions that is attached to this e-mail. Please note that representatives of JP AC as well as engaged experts for tunnel safety issues, geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical works will attend the roadshow.
Technical documentation is available on the following link:
Tunnel Prenj
Mostar North-Mostar South
Please note that the documentation is property of JP AC and is provided only for the purpose of those projects. It is not permissible to be disclosed to any other party or for any other purpose but this for which invitation is initiated.
We kindly ask you to provide us with the required information and/or documentation by Monday, 15th June 2020 at the following e-mail addresses: h.lejla@jpautoceste.ba and d.tarik@jpautoceste.ba
It is envisaged that invitation to submit Expression of Interest will follow this event shortly. However, attendance to the roadshow event is not mandatory for participation in subsequent tendering processes.
Zenica jug-Tarčin (81 km)
Stanje prohodnosti: saobraćaj se odvija po mjestimično vlažnom kolovozu.
Zvirovići-Bijača (10 km)
Stanje prohodnosti: saobraćaj se odvija po mjestimično vlažnom kolovozu.