The Public Company of the Motorways of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a limited liability company, was established in accordance with the Law on Roads of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and registered and commenced operations on January 1, 2011 as the legal successor of the Federal Directorate for the Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Motorways, Bodies within the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Federation of B&H.
The main task of PC Highways FB&H ltd. is the construction, operation and maintenance of highways and highways. The construction of the motorway on Corridor Vc is the biggest transport infrastructure project in B&H, through which the longest corridor passes. In a total length of about 335 kilometers, the construction of the Corridor Vc motorway improves the integration of B&H with neighboring countries and improves the potential for economic development. The project has strong support from the Government of the Federation of B&H, and is expected to enable Bosnia and Herzegovina to better integrate with economic and social structures in Europe.
Activities of PC Highways FB&H ltd. Mostar are defined by the Statute of the company as tasks and tasks on motorways and highways in the Federation:
- Preparation of long-term, mid-term and annual plans and development programs, maintenance, protection. Construction, reconstruction of roads and buildings on roads, as well as reports on realization of these plans and programs;
- Performing motorway maintenance work;
- Investment projects for studies and projects, reconstruction, construction, reconstruction and maintenance on motorways and facilities;
- Proposing financial plans and improving the way funds are collected for the construction of motorways;
- Keeping records (databases) of highways, facilities, traffic signs and equipment on highways and cadaster of the highway land area;
- Transfer of works on reconstruction, construction, reconstruction and maintenance of motorways; Preparing and monitoring the realization of programs of measures and activities for improvement of traffic safety on the motorways running by them;
- Preparing the basis for granting concessions and providing expert and technical supervision; Organization of toll collection system;
- Collecting data and informing the public about the state of the motorways and the manner of traffic flow;
- Taking the necessary measures for preserving and protecting the environment;
- Organizing and providing services to users of highways and highways, etc.