Article 1.

The ACC Service User is a legal entity or a person who has signed the ACC Application Form as well as the Toll Collection Bill Payroll Application Form.

Article 2.

ACC TAG is used as an electronic means of toll payment on all built toll places on highways and expressways in the Federation.

Article 3.

Payment of fees for the use of ACC TAG shall be one fold, cash, wire transfer or bank card to all publicly prominent retail locations. Amendment ACC loans to ACC TAG-in can be made in cash, wire transfer or bank card to all publicly prominent retail locations.

Article 4.

Fee, and the fee for the service using the motorway is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of FB&H on collection of fees for use of the A1 motorway (“Official Gazette of FB&H” no. 50/12, 45/13 and 59/14), which are defined by the following amount of compensation according to the distances and classes of vehicles. Federation Public Highways Ltd. Mostar (hereinafter Federation Public Highways) determines the amount of fees for service use ACC TAG, and discounts that are approved for using ACC TAG which will previously inform the users through the website of the company.


Article 5.

PC Highways Federation is required at each toll station provide at least one input and output strip for toll payment using an ACC, which will be designated by like signs. In the event of system downtime electronic billing, JP Highways Federation will enable the system to work as soon as possible. JP Highways Federation is not responsible for any damage the user may suffer due to the inability to use VCT services. User ACC services must act according to the instructions of staff at toll collection points and accept toll payment via magnetic card.

Article 6.

The user becomes the owner of the ACC TAG device purchase ACC TAG device at a price determined by the PE Highways FB&H Ltd. Mostar.

Article 7.

PC Highways Federation undertakes right to use user data during the active use of the ACC service and the new billing system, and that personal data will not be forwarded to third parties. They will be processed confidentially and they will be handled in accordance with The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016.

Article 8.

In case the ACC services misuses or attempts to misuse the ACC TAG, PC Highways Federation has the right to limit or stop the use of ACC TAG without prior warning and explanation users. To prevent misuse of employee toll station may require the ACC service to inspect the personal / identity card, passport/passport or other valid identification document, in accordance with the internal procedures of companies and/or order of the Executive Director of the sector.


Article 9.

The user is authorized to use the ACC service without a time limit or unlimited by different modalities which are in accordance with a valid list of toll.

Article 10.

The user has the right to use an ACC TAG toll for a vehicle of that category. If the user changes the category of vehicles – adding or excluding trailer (trailer, etc..), The user ACC services are required existing TAG modify/reprogram (the same procedure as buying TAG) and the vehicle has ACC TAG for the actual vehicle category. When changing the technical characteristics of the vehicle changes ownership, license plates of vehicles and similar user ACC services is required within 7 days to report changes in a prominent point of sale Federation Public Highways.

Article 11.

The user has the right to transfer the right to use ACC TAG to another legal or natural person with the prior notification and consent of the Federation Public Highways.

Article 12.

The user is responsible for every unauthorized or illegal use of ACC services, or ACC TAG. If you would like to cancel the use of ACC services, the user is required in writing to terminate the use of the ACC TAG to the publicly prominent point of sale. PC Highways Federation is obliged to block the device for future use and return to the subscription if there is a difference between the amount of funds paid-last payment and consumed toll from the last payment within 30 days from receipt of the written request. All contrary to the above shall constitute a breach of the General Conditions of using ACC services.

Article 13.

User ACC services shall maintain ACC TAG exclusively on publicly prominent retail locations. The warranty for the proper functioning of the ACC TAG device is two years (24 months) from purchase ACC TAG device. The warranty does not cover: unauthorized servicing, opening the device, reverse engineering on ACC TAG, the physical damage to the ACC TAG-in, alienation, loss and the like. Physical damage, theft or loss ACC TAG user is required to register within three days. The user can purchase a replacement ACC TAG device at a price determined by a valid decision of the Federation Public Highways.

Article 14.

When toll ACC TAG should be duly highlighted in the vehicle and the user-ACCTAG and shall comply with all instructions on the conditions of use and maintenance ACC TAG.

Article 15.

In case of violation of the provisions of the General terms of use ACC services, PC Highways Federation may put the ACC TAG on the “gray list” and temporarily block or “blacklist” and users completely excluded from this kind of toll, and controversial ACC TAG will be canceled permanently. User ACC services three times repeated abuse, or three times the ACC TAG found on the “gray list”, it will automatically be placed on a “blacklist”. The user who’s ACC TAG on the “gray list” is required to pay a fee for unblocking ACC TAG device in the amount of 40.00 KM, unlike the disputed amount of the toll on the current price list of manual collection. In the event of default, The Federation Public Highways can block all ACC TAG devices in the possession of the user who exercised abuse.


Article 16.

PC Highways Federation is entitled to protect their business activities complement and modify the General terms of use ACC services, provided that all amendments to the conditions must be published on the official website of the company.

Article 17.

User ACC services agree to fully and timely settle all costs due to the use and the use of ACC TAG.

Article 18.

These General Terms and Conditions shall enter into force and shall apply from December 28th, 2018.