The Agreement on highway construction on Corridor Vc, Tarčin – Konjic section, Tarčin – Ivan subsection, LOT 1, Tarčin – entrance to the Ivan Tunnel was executed on August 24, 2020.
The Contractor is a consortium consisting of Euro-Asfalt d.o.o. Sarajevo (BiH) and Granit AD Skopje (Northern Macedonia).
Construction supervision is performed by Institut IGH, d.d. Zagreb (Croatia).
The value of the Agreement for the construction of Tarčin – entrance to the Ivan Tunnel subsection is EUR 77,903,313.84, i.e. EUR 66,584,028.92 excluding VAT and will be financed with funds provided by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and non-refundable grant funds approved by WBIF (EU funds) in the amount of 11.7 million euros.
The estimated construction period is 20 months.



The length of Lot 1, Tarčin – entrance to the Ivan Tunnel, is 4.9 km. The beginning of this subsection is at the end of the Lepenica – Tarčin section, immediately after the Tarčin Loop. In the first part of the highway in question, at the place of fitting into the previous section to the beginning of the M1 bridge- Raštelica 1, in the length of 1200 m, the route is in quite high embankments and reinforced earth.
After this sector, the route crosses the Raštelica 1 bridge to the opposite slope. The bridge crosses the M17 main road and the Kalašnica River. The bridge has 13 spans and a total length of 518 m. Due to a limited space, a type 1 rest stop is planned (a rest area without service facilities). After the left rest stop, the M2 bridge – Raštalica 2 is located, which bridges the main road and the wider valley, so that this bridge has 19 spans and a total length of 609 m. It is important to note that at this point the main road is on the rise, with three lanes (lane for slow vehicles). The right rest stop together with the on and off ramps is located in the area near to the M2 bridge all the way to the entrance to the Ivan Tunnel.